Thursday Recap

Who knew the Marquardt Fan Club was so big? And where do I sign up!?!  Tonight, the Croixaliers had the privilege of presenting their concert "Alive in Christ" at Peace Lutheran in Hartford, WI before nearly 300 people! Peace is the church and school where Mr. & Mrs. Marquardt formerly served before joining us at SCL and many people turned out to reconnect with them and hear our choir. And the Croixaliers did not disappoint!  Amplified by fantastic acoustics and with some help from the school-children of Peace Lutheran, it was a memorable night. 

We woke up in Madison, WI ever thankful we bypassed Eau Claire (they received 11.5" of snow) to get past the storm. Once again we are reminded "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." (Prov. 16:9)  While it was disappointing to miss that stop, we made the best of it and joined the Wisconsin Lutheran Chapel (campus ministry of UW-Madison) for their evening Lent 9 PM service. We bumped into 2 SCL alums (John Eslinger and Rachel Stokke at worship - how cool that they were carving out time during mid-term testing to attend worship?) at the Chapel and then had the privilege of singing 2 songs for worship.  

After lunch today at East Towne Mall and a quick tour of the WI capitol (and a chance meeting with Rep. Thiesfeldt), a walk down State Street and then a short visit/tour back at the Chapel, we are back on our scheduled itinerary.  Tomorrow (Friday), we will sing for School Chapel at Peace, visit Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, tour the MKE Art Museum and then present a concert at Faith Lutheran in Antioch. Another full day, but we know we'll be immensely blessed!  


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